Hi! I’m TTBaum! I am a Sacred Intimate, Sex Educator, and Certified Bondassage® Provider/Trainer based in Western North Carolina. I work with individual clients and groups to help them find their authentic erotic expression. I offer individual sessions and workshops across the United States, Mexico and sometimes Canada. My latest projects include reworking my sex education curriculum into a comic book series, and eventually a virtual reality game world.

Sacred Intimate sessions with me integrate the sweetness of Tantra exploration, body divination, and deeper refinement of somatic sensate experiences. My calling is to provide you with new tools to cultivate a more satisfying and intimate erotic existence.

Beyond my work I am an avid student of Tantra, and I have a secret obsession with science fiction. My body is my true portable temple, and besides using it in service to you, I keep it in shape to make art and explore movement.

Tell me a little about you, so we can get started.